
2016 May.

Katrin Senne wins at Hockenheim

German Women’s Championship

Katrin Senne

Katrin Senne

The German Women’s Championship took place this year in conjunction with the 38th Hockenheim gliding competition.  At the same time it served as the qualification competition for the 2017 World Women’s Championship. learn more

2016 May.

Johnny R. Jensen Danish Champion

Jan Walther Andersen wins the clubclass - Peter Eriksen in second place

Johnny R. Jensen

Johnny R. Jensen

Outstanding weather conditions at the 2016 Danish Championships at Arnborg.

A total of nine competition days were flown, some with very high average speeds.


More information: and Soaring Spot learn more

2016 May.

ASG 29 Pilots in front at the Hahnweide

Simon Schröder wins the 18m Class

Simon Schröder

Simon Schröder

Again this year the Hahnweide competition proved a very successful one for ASG 29 pilots.

Within a competitor field which included international pilots, Simon Schröder was already able to take the lead on the second competition day and maintained this position right until the end. learn more

2016 May.

2016 Polish Open Class Championships

Barszcz, Matkowski and Centka on the podium

ASG 29 pilot Jakub Barszcz is the new Polish Open Class champion. Second place went to our Polish representative Christoph Matkowski in his ASH 31 Mi, followed by Janusz Centka with an ASG 29 E. learn more

2016 Apr.

Louis Bouderlique wins the Spanish Grand Prix

Two ASG 29 pilots on the winner’s podium

FAI grand prix 2016 spain

ASG 29 pilots achieved excellent placements at the 2016 Spanish FAI Sailplane Grand Prix  in Cerdanya.

learn more

2016 Apr.

The ASH 30 Mi has received its Type Certificate

Open Class self-launching two-seater

After the ASG 32 Mi, the EASA has now also type certifiated the Open Class self-launching ASH 30 Mi two-seater.

With the completion of last years extensive test flight program and all the necessary documentation and manuals, designer and project leader Martin Heide was finally able to accept the ASH 30 Mi type certificate. learn more

2016 Apr.

Achieving Optimal Performance for the Competition Season

Maintaining Gliding Performance with little Effort

In addition to doing the necessary maintenance and technical work on their sailplanes for the coming season, many competition pilots also carry out performance optimization work at the same time. This way the outstanding performance of modern sailplanes can be easily retained. learn more

2016 Mar.

Rex and Noelle Mayes take over US Schleicher Dealership

A big „Thank You“ to John and Linda Murray

John Murray, Uli Kremer, Rex Mayes

John Murray, Uli Kremer, Rex Mayes

The 2016 US Soaring Convention in Greenville provided not only an opportunity to show new developments in the Schleicher product line-up with five motorgliders (ASG 29 Es, ASH 30 Mi, ASH 31 Mi and two ASG 32 Mi) , but also to introduce Rex and Noelle Mayes as the new US representatives for the famous sailplane manufacturer. The location of the US Schleicher representative has now changed from eastern US to California.

learn more

2016 Mar.

Tom Claffey wins in Australia

The ASG 29 pilot leaves all his Lake Keepit competitors behind

Tom Claffey

Tom Claffey

After his third place at the 2016 pre-World Championships in Benalla, Tom Claffey has now won the 2016 NSW State Championships with a clear points margin.

He was able to win five of the seven total competition days. He averaged over 140 km/hr over distances between 400 and 500 km. His fastest speed came on the third day when he completed the 425 km task at 151 km/hr. learn more

2016 Feb.

ASG 32 Mi type certificated

EASA granted Type Certification

We are pleased to announce that the EASA has granted the Type Certification of the self-launching motorglider ASG 32 Mi and of the sailplane ASG 32 on 11th February, 2016.

To ASG 32 / ASG 32 Mi