
2015 May.

Sebastian Kawa also wins the Polish Nationals

The ASG 29 pilot leads the field again, Christoph Matkowski finished 3rd.

Sebastian Kawa in the ASG 29 also won the Polish Open Class Nationals in Stalowa Wola-Turbia (PL).

matkowski_christoph 001Our Polish AS-agent Christoph Matkowski finished 3rd in his brand new ASH 31 Mi. Until immediately before the competition started he picked up his glider at the factory.

More information:

2015 May.

Hahnweide: Mario Kießling wins in an ASG 29 E

Markus Ganev placed 3rd in the 18m class

On three of four competition days Mario Kießling in his ASG 29 E was the daily winner. Although on the 3rd day he couldn’t complete the task, in the end he won the 18m class clearly.

ganev_markus 001Markus Ganev from Sweden placed 3rd also in an ASG 29. Moreover he received an award for the fastest average speed of the whole competition (140,6 km/h on the 3rd day).

More information:


2015 May.

Team Leucker/Anklam wins in Klix with an ASG 32 Mi

A successful beginning of the competition season 2015 with the new 20m two-seater

129 pilots fought for good positions at the international competition in Klix also in 2015. In spite of mixed weather, five competition days in five classes could be carried out. learn more

2015 May.

Double victory at the Grand-Prix 2015 in the Czech Republic

Two ASG 29 pilots at the top


Sebastin Kawa from Poland won the Sailplane Grand-Prix in Frydlant (Czech Republik) in an ASG 29. His fellow countryman Zdislaw Bednarczuk placed second, also in an ASG 29.

GP-Website: SGP Czech 2015

2015 Apr.


Many interesting things on the Schleicher stand

Again this year there was much to see and discover at our AERO exhibition stand. No, it was not just the big highlights such as the new electric sustainer ASG 32 El which caught the interest of the visitors. The new electric starter of the ASG 29 E and many other real eye-catchers were presented to the public for the first time.

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2015 Apr.

AERO 2015 – Impressions

A lot going on on the Schleicher stand

There were many sights to see on the Schleicher stand at the AERO exhibition 2015 and the many interested fair visitors took the opportunity to take their place in the exhibited aircrafts.

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2015 Apr.

The new Schleicher book “Rhön-Adler”

Third edition published

The history of the glider company Alexander Schleicher is vivid and varied. Author Peter F. Selinger has accompanied the development of the company for many years. We are happy to introduce the 3rd edition of the “Rhön Adler” book.

In our 3rd edition book „Rhön Adler“ you will not only find the latest development of the last 13 years but also the present contents was completed. The book also consists of more pages than before.

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2015 Mar.

2015 Bavarian State Award for Technical Merit

Alexander Schleicher Segelflugzeugbau is honoured for the ASH 31 Mi

State Secretary Franz Josef Pschierer, Ursula and Uli Kremer

State Secretary Franz Josef Pschierer, Ursula and Uli Kremer

It was a very special honour for the company leadership, Designer Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heide and the whole workforce.

In conjunction with the 67th International Craft Trade Fair in Munich, Alexander Schleicher Segelfugzeugbau was awarded the 2015 Bavarian State Prize for technical merit for the ASH 31 Mi.

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2015 Mar.

Federal Chancellor Mrs A. Merkel visits the AS exhibition stand in Munich

ASH 31 Mi shown on the Trade Exhibition in Munich

It was an honour for us to welcome our Federal Chancellor Mrs A. Merkel on our exhibition stand in Munich.

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2015 Jan.

Australia: From Kingaroy to Benalla with 144 km/h average speed

David Jansen flew 1582 km in an ASG 29 E

At the very beginning of the new year David Jansen fulfilled a long-cherished dream. After a planning before of one year, on 2nd January 2015 he started in his ASG 29 E from Kingaroy in the east of Australia. After a 12 hours flight and more than 1500 km further south he landed in Benalla. learn more