
2022 Apr.

News about the AS 35 Mi

Our design team is working at full speed on the final construction details in order to be able to keep to the set schedule. Since the first releases, the design has naturally evolved and now comes up with some interesting innovations. True to the AS 33 philosophy of “getting the last bit of performance out”, improvements have once again been incorporated into the AS 35 Mi.
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2022 Mar.

AERO 2022 without Alexander Schleicher

Contrary to previous plans, we will not be represented at AERO 2022 in Friedrichshafen this year. We made this decision at the last minute for a number of reasons, but it was not an easy one.

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2022 Jan.

One of few!

Foto von: HA Hessen Agentur GmbH - Jan Michael Hosan

Foto von: HA Hessen Agentur GmbH - Jan Michael Hosan

The ASG 32 El was one of only a few glider types to be certified for a sustainer assisted aerotow. learn more

2021 Dec.

The 15m-version of the AS 33 is certified!

There is pleasant news coming from Cologne: the 15 m configuration is certified for the AS 33 Es!

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2021 Oct.

In Detail – The AS 34 Me

Insights into the features and performance of the AS 34 Me


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In the first video of our new series: “In Detail” we show you a closer look at the AS 34 Me.

Innovations, operation and of course the motor performance are explained to you here. We wish you a lot of fun!

2021 Oct.

The AS 34 Me meets the increased noise protection requirements

On 24.09.2021 the AS 34 Me passed its noise protection test. Today we have received the result.

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2021 Sep.

A glance behind the curtain

Episode 1 - the design team


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Today we start a new series called “Behind the curtain”. Here we highlight our different departments and gliders and bring you closer to the everyday life of an aircraft manufacturer.
We start with our development team giving you their thoughts on a few topics. This video is divided into two parts. Have fun with it!

2021 Sep.

Late Night Soaring’s Interview with Baptiste Innocent

Baptiste Innocent talks about his historic flight in the ASH 31 Mi


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At the beginning of August, Frenchman Baptiste Innocent managed a flight on his ASH 31 Mi that will be remembered for a long time.
In pure gliding flight he managed to fly from France to Corsica. From there he flew back to Italy and over the Alpine arc back to France.
All without the help of his Wankel engine. If you now look at the map, you will see that a very large part of this route leads across the sea.
In his interview with Late Night Soaring he talks about how he realized this project with the ASH 31 Mi.



2021 Sep.

Sebastian Kawa wins the Grand Prix Final in Saint-Auban.

In a very exciting and well-competed Grand Prix Final in Saint-Auban, Sebastian Kawa, with the AS 33 Es, was able to crown his catch-up race with the overall victory. In the end, only 1 point separated him from second place. learn more

2021 Aug.

Michael Streit wins in his AS 33 Es, the „FCC Gliding“ competition in Prievidza!

The AS 33 Es stays on the its path of success.

Smoking the Line. The AS 33 Es in the final glide.

Smoking the Line. The AS 33 Es in the final glide.

From 1.8. to 12.8. the “FCC Gliding” competition took place in Prievidza. During this time, with mixed weather at the beginning, 10 days could be flown. Michael Streit was able to keep his nerves even on the weak days in his AS 33 Es and managed to beat the competition in the end. But AS 33 Es pilots were also able to fly their way onto the podium in Austria and Rieti.

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