
2019 Dec.

ASW 28 B – Club Sailplane and much more

Update of the popular Standard Class Aircraft

An uncomplicated single seater in which everyone feels at home immediately, with outstanding flying performance and the well-known Schleicher safety features.  That’s everyone’s image of the ideal club aircraft. Exactly these conditions are met by the ASW 28 B.

A flying student coming, for example, from the ASK 21 will quickly become friends with the ASW 28 B and be motivated to make the first longer cross-country flights. The ASW 28 B will be a valued companion up to the first competitions and beyond. learn more

2019 Nov.

Austro Engine extends service intervals of rotary engines

Injection valve, fan belt and coolant – new engine manual

In the most recent issue of the Engine Manual of our selflauncher rotary engines AE50R and IAE50R-AA, the manufacturer Austro Engine has extended some service intervals.

In future, the fan belt and the injection valve must be replaced only every 10 years. The replacement interval of the coolant is also extended.

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2019 Nov.

“Sometimes I would like to sit in Front”

Holger Weitzel flies ASG 32 Mi and ASH 31 Mi

People who know Holger Weitzel are aware that he is significantly taller (2.06m or 6’ 9”) than average. However, that doesn’t prevent him from enjoying his dearest hobby, ideally over the whole year.

During the summer, the passionate aero photographer makes long cross-country flights with his ASH 31 Mi. As with his previous sailplane, an ASH 26 E, he has made a number of cockpit modifications so that he can make longer flights in comfort. learn more

2019 Oct.

An ASW 12 is Brought Back to Life

Hans-Peter Elkmann Fulfills a Dream from his Youth

Even after 52 years it’s not too late to fulfill a dream. Hans-Peter Elkmann did just that with the purchase of a “legendary” ASW 12. Recently, he sent us a few emotional words about this event which we are happy to publish here. Also, as the manufacturer, we are naturally especially happy about such a nice story and that the ASW 12, a milestone in the company’s history, continues to draw its circles in the sky. learn more

2019 Oct.

Successes at the US Championships

National and Regional Contests near Season’s End

left picture: Chip Bearden (24), Tom Holloran, Henry Nixon (28)<br>right picture: Dan Reagan (31), Mike Smith (27), Peter Scarpelli (29)

left picture: Chip Bearden (24), Tom Holloran, Henry Nixon (28)
right picture: Dan Reagan (31), Mike Smith (27), Peter Scarpelli (29)

US soaring competitions stretched all the way into October this year.  Again, Schleicher pilots were able to achieve outstanding results.

At the US Nationals in Waynesville, Ohio, Chip Bearden (ASW 24) came second just in front of Henry Nixon (ASW 28). In the Sports class the podium was completely occupied by Schleicher pilots: Mike Smith (ASW 27) became US champion, followed by Peter Scarpelli (ASG 29) and Dan Reagan (ASH 31 Mi).

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2019 Oct.

AS 33 the first time rigged in our factory

Although the final painting is not yet finished, this picture gives a first impression of our completed new 18m-competition glider.

2019 Sep.

Top Results for Schleicher Pilots

Steffen Schwarzer new German Champion

Steffen Schwarzer

Steffen Schwarzer

In recent weeks, shortly before and during our company vacations, pilots flying AS sailplanes were again able to achieve outstanding competition results and became champions in many countries. We congratulate them sincerely.




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2019 Jun.

Tomasz Rubaj and Christoph Matkowski are 2019 European Champions with the ASG 32 Mi

ASG 29 E pilot Karol Staryszak second in the 18m class

Difficult weather and tight standings made the 2019 European Championships in Stalowa Wola exciting right up to the end.

Despite the complicated conditions the Tomasz Rubaj and Christoph Matkowski team in the ASG 32 Mi was able to maintain its lead in the 20m two-seater class from the first to the last day. learn more

2019 May.

AS 33: Wing load test successfully completed

More fuselage payload possible

Test wing at the moment where 1,725-times the<br>maximum possible loads in flight are acting.

Test wing at the moment where 1,725-times the
maximum possible loads in flight are acting.

The consequent aerodynamic design of the AS 33 with a wing area of only 10 m² and a profile thicknesses below 13% even in the wing-fuselage junction results in very high requirements for the wing structure.

With the combination of well proven design methods and modern nonlinear finite element analysis it was possible to realize a wing structure without any additional weight, compared to the ASG 29, carrying even higher loads.

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2019 May.

AERO 2019 – Postscript

Much News and a big Surprise

The 2019 Aero in Friedrichshafen was marked by innovation, much of which could be seen at the Schleicher stand.  Modifications to the ASG 32 Mi, detailed information about the new AS 33 18m glider, the new ASK 21 B and, of course, the announcement of our latest project, the 15/18m AS 34 Me electric self-launcher. learn more